


for 2007.6.1

标签: recall  
2007-05-30 22:18 阅读(?)评论(0)

      The children's day is coming~~~~~ One of the  most favorite festivals is the Children's day,I just like a kid  will never grow up,sometimes I wanna be a kid forever,no love ,no job ,no money, nothing but dad and mom,asking what I want form them~~~It is really nice~~

    now, as a nonsnese guy graduated form my shitty college,I have to face my unknow future~~~to earn money for  dad&mom, me .absolutely there will be a girl in my life,I don't care where she is ,I care about who hell she is ,when  she will appear,or is   there a real girl waiting for me? or just my imagination,God knows~~~

    ok~come back to 6.1,when I was young I listen to the radio~~'o'~~waiting for my favorite songs ,It is ture~~I always recorded them in a type ~~~now I can find some of them~~It is really reminds me something~~somewhere ~~somebody`~~~
something has changed,somebody has changed ,all my memory is just memory,I can feel the feeling a again,what I need  to do is to forget~~ Creating the future and forgetting the past~~~That is so called "move on!"

can we really move on? can we forget the music ,the sunshine,the flowers,the rain ,the time we spent toghter,the song we sang toghter~? it is really a short time and really impressed.

if I give enough ,if I learn to trust,that is something only love can do~~~~

remember it? Oh my god ~~~My English is better and better a  ~~~~

do not talk about the damn girls ,let have a happy children's day~~~~guys~~~

Time to sleep ~~~to be continue!!!!

  最后修改于 2007-05-30 22:43    阅读(?)评论(0)
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